Marketing Resources

Discover why cotton is the right choice for various nonwoven markets and products. Gain insight into why the Seal of Cotton is a trusted indicator of cotton products and how to take part in the Seal’s licensing program.

Trademark Licensing

The Seal of Cotton trademark provides a visual reference for consumers to identify cotton products. Learn about the steps in licensing the Seal.

Power of the Seal

Consumer Driven Appeal. Did you know 94% consumers say that the Seal of Cotton help them to identify cotton products?

Aquatic Degradation

There is growing public awareness of how textiles are contributing to the accumulation of microplastics in the world’s water bodies. Test results point toward natural fibers like cotton playing a role in the global solution.

Hypoallergenic Properties of Cotton

For the millions of people with sensitive skin, choosing non-irritating fibers is critical. Cotton Incorporated enlisted the help of an independent lab to conduct clinical trials on the hypoallergenic and non-irritating properties of cotton on sensitive skin.

Baby Care

As the global baby care market continues to grow, so does parents’ demand for natural, safe and earth-friendly products for their babies. Learn more about cotton as a natural leader in the global baby care market.

Adult Incontinence

Consumers’ choice for security and skin health. Learn why consumers rely on cotton for their incontinence products.

Period Care

Global Consumer Solutions. Discover key trends in the global period care market and how cotton products appeal to consumers all over the world.

Natural Benefits of Unbleached Cotton

Discover why mechanically cleaned cotton can work in a variety of nonwoven products.

Cotton Flock Innovation

Cotton flock, or pulverized cotton, has been used for decades as a filler and reinforcement fiber in various industrial markets. Now, it can be used as a more sustainable option in nonwoven coform substrates. See how different levels of cotton flock affect weight (GSM), air permeability, and liquid absorption.